College Board

The St Anthony’s Catholic College Board is an advisory Board for the College Principal and the Leadership Team. The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month. The Board follows the guidelines set down by the Diocesan Education Council (DEC) and the Queensland Catholic Education Council (QCEC).

The College motto "Let Your Light Shine" encourages staff and students to let the light of Christ be seen within each person and to acknowledge the gifts in others.

In collaboration with St Anthony's Catholic College and St Anthony's Parish community, the Board, in the spirit of shared wisdom, will:

  • Identify, enunciate, nurture and celebrate the Special Religious Character of the College with major and particular emphasis on the special spirituality of the College;
  • Support processes developed by the College staff aimed at improving student learning outcomes in accordance with the educational vision and mission.
  • Promote Catholic education that:
  • Lives out the local Church's education mission;
  • Strives for educational excellence; and
  • Contributes to society.

Additional Responsibilities of the St Anthony's Catholic College Board include:

  • Participate in the planning of the ongoing development of the College in accordance with diocesan guidelines, government requirements and school renewal planning.
  • Develop, review and maintain policies on matters referred to it by the Principal.
  • Support staff, especially the Principal, who has the day-to-day responsibility for maintaining and promoting the Special Religious Character of the College.
  • Reflect on the curriculum in accordance with any relevant requirements of Government authorities and the Townsville Catholic Education Office, without trespassing upon areas of professional educational judgement.
  • Oversee the prudent financial management of the College particularly with a view to ensuring access to quality education for future generations.
  • Seek to ensure that the College fulfils its potential as an option for the disadvantaged, including the poor.
  • Provide advice on any matters referred to the Board by the Principal.
  • Appoint standing committees which will assist it in the carrying out its responsibilities and establish temporary task forces for the handling of short-term projects of a developmental nature.
  • Develop an awareness of the roles of all levels of government and how these impact on the conduct of Catholic Schools.
  • Establish and maintain networks and processes for formal and informal communication between the Board and the College and parish communities.

A full list of College Policies can be found here.


Julie Sullivan (Chair)

Barry Horner

Father Vinoj

Lisa Fitzsimmons

Nick Antoniazzi

Linda Sims

Nadine Frost

Melissa Pearce

Tanya Brennan

Nicole Donaldson

Carmelo Di Bella 

Chris Bentley

Erin Bell

Kelli-Ann Stollznow

Padua Campus Assisi Campus

Veales Road, Deeragun
QLD 4818

Joanne Street, Deeragun
QLD 4818


PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818

PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818


07 4751 7200

07 4751 7300

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land of the Wulgurukaba and Bindal people and pay our respects to the elders past, present and future.

4751 7280
Absentee Line

This number can be called at any time to record a student absence

25 Mar

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1