The Parents and Friends Association

What We Do 

Each Catholic School in Queensland has a P&F Association. All parents and carers whose children are enrolled at the school are automatically members of the P&F. Your P&F is an integral part of our school and provides a formal structure and support network for parents to participate in activities and provide constructive feedback to the College Leadership Team. The P&F work for the benefit of the school and their children. The P&F represents the interests of the whole parent body. It provides a pathway for parents to engage with the school and the education of their children. It works to support the school. Parents and families are the first teachers of their children and have the right and the responsibility to be engaged with their children’s education. 

Research shows that children do better at school when parents continue to be engaged throughout their children’s years at school. The P&F can facilitate this engagement. This means that parents are partners with the teachers and the Principal in the education of their children and consequently parents share the responsibility of educating their children with the teaching staff.

If you would like to be part of the P&F Association we invite you to attend any of the meetings which are held throughout the year. Remember there is no commitment required to attend all but we do value your ideas and input.

Email us at 


Important Dates to Remember

P&F Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month (except during school holidays), 6pm to 7pm at Padua Campus. 

Term 2 

Trivia – Week 3 - May 

Mother's Day Stall (Padua): 10 May

Mother's Day Stall (Assisi): 8-12 May 

Cooking Session – Week 5 - 19 May 

Term 3 

Winter Carnival: Week 7 - 25 August

 Father's Day Stall (Padua): 30 Aug 

Father's Day Stall (Assis): 28 Aug - 1 Sept 

Term 4 

Cooking - Week 4 - 27 October

Yearly Fundraiser and Parent Engagement

Trivia Night

Trivia Night This event is held annually in Term 2. It is a great opportunity for families and staff. It allows new families and staff to reconnect after the holidays in a relaxed and fun environment. The event is a BYO beverages and nibbles but you can purchase soft drinks or platters on the night. Every year there is a theme so come along in your best attire. Trivia helps support our Year 12s towards their Graduation event. 


Eyes down and focus. This event is a BYO food and beverages evening and is held in Term 1. All proceeds go towards our Performing Arts Department. This event is a great way to catch up with friends and to get the chance to win a best dress prize or maybe a meat tray or two. 

Winter Carnival 

Our Winter Carnival is one the biggest community events held on the Northern Beaches. While it is our premier fund raising event its main role is to build and support our local community and have FUN! This whole school event really is something to be proud of with baking and craft stalls, games, rides, food and the ever impressive Cent Sale. Do yourself a favour and save the date!

Mother's and Father's Day Stalls 

These stalls are provided as a service to our students allowing them to purchase sweet and affordable gifts for their parents, carers or guardians. It's very exciting to see the students faces light up to see what they can buy for their loved ones. Help is always needed to run these stalls. 


In Terms 2 and 4 we invite families to join in our free cooking classes held in our state of the art Hospitality Rooms on the Assisi Campus. In the true Christian spirit, nothing bring people together more than sharing a meal made with love. These nights are great way to meet new people, learn some cooking skills and have a free meal. 

We replicate recipes from our school cookbook "Our Garden, Our Food, Our Community". 

Colour Run

In Term 4 of 2022 we hosted a Colour Blast Fun Run which entailed both campuses raising funds to cover our basketball courts. This was our first ever colour run. We had over 627 entries and the event was a great success. Every student walked away with a headband, groovy glasses and a medallion for participating. Those who fundraised earned themselves gift cards. The aim of the colour run was not to be competitive but to be all inclusive. To bond teachers and support staff, to show their fun side and to laugh together. You don't have to run. You can skip, jump or hop. Just be sure to have fun. We raised over $25k. The day went in three waves which took 30 minutes each to complete. Every student had to tackle inflatables, fire truck hose, a bubble pit, cargo nets and plenty of colour.

Just One Thing – Support your School Community 

Our P&F is run by volunteers who give their own time to make our P&F so wonderful. That is why the executive value all contributions no matter how big or small. Your "Just One Thing" for our school community may include: 

  • Donating items for fundraising events Assist with a BBQ and/or serving food Planning and organising events 
  • Attend P&F meetings 
  • Be one of our Class Liaison Parents (CLP) 
  • Volunteer your time with setting up or putting away stalls for our Winter Carnival 
  • Help out by setting up, assist students and packing away items for Mothers or Father's Day stalls.

Our 2023 Committee

President Rebecca Matthews
Vice President Lauren Lestone
Secretary Tracey Wilson
Treasurer Leanne Hutley
Diocesan Representatives TBA
Carnival / Events  Rebecca Matthews, Lauren Lestone, Tracey Wilson, Rachel Gadd, Jodie McKee and Kylie McKee.


Achievements 2022

  • Contribution towards shade over Padua and Assisi Campus’s basketball courts 
  • Dragon’s sports academy
  • Stephen Alexander Garden Programme 
  • Craft Group
  • Year 12 Graduation
  • Padua Rocks
  • Terracing Padua oval 
  • Cooking Sessions
Padua Campus Assisi Campus

Veales Road, Deeragun
QLD 4818

Joanne Street, Deeragun
QLD 4818


PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818

PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818


07 4751 7200

07 4751 7300

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land of the Wulgurukaba and Bindal people and pay our respects to the elders past, present and future.

4751 7280
Absentee Line

This number can be called at any time to record a student absence

26 Mar

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1