

What is KidsMatter?

KidsMatter Primary is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children. KidsMatter Primary provides the proven methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids.

KidsMatter initiatives at St Anthony’s include:

-       You Can Do It (YCDI) social skill lessons and intitiatives from year 1 to year 6 

-       Weekly Insights articles written by parenting expert Michael Grose emailed out to families

-       Parent and staff gatherings/information sessions

-       KidsMatter Crew (Year 6 students) to assist younger students with problem solving in social situations

-       Parent Library collection (available for borrowing and browsing in the Padua office)

-       Fortnightly updates and information in the school newsletter

-       Implementing Circle Time in classrooms to develop social and emotional skills




Do2Learn - provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioural regulation activities, songs and games, communication cards, academic material and life skills

Embrace the Future – provides activities and resources on resilience for children and families. Activities cover areas such as getting along, bouncing back, solving problems, being me and values.

MyTime – An Australian Government Initiative supporting parents of children with disabilities

Therapy Fun Zone – provides a collection of activities for fine motor and gross motor development

Bite Back – Provides useful and resources for teens to support positive mental health

Headspace – The national youth mental health foundation. The website provides support for young people who may be going through a tough time and provides information on their services in Townsville.

Autism Queensland – A community based organisation dedicated to bringing about positive change in the lives of children and adults with ASD.

Autism games – The information on this site describes the objectives of the games found on  - a games portal for autistic children. The games are a free resource that aims to help autistic children to develop independent living skills.

Family Relationships  - An Australian Government Initiative providing all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution

Bullying No Way!  - Anti-bullying website for parents and children providing information and activities

Partners 4 Learning -    A resource to assist teachers and school personnel to strengthen the capacity to engage with parents, families and communities to support children’s learning

Townsville Community Directory -  Townsville City Council’s online directory of local community services

Padua Campus Assisi Campus

Veales Road, Deeragun
QLD 4818

Joanne Street, Deeragun
QLD 4818


PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818

PO Box 143
Deeragun, Qld 4818


07 4751 7200

07 4751 7300

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land of the Wulgurukaba and Bindal people and pay our respects to the elders past, present and future.

4751 7280
Absentee Line

This number can be called at any time to record a student absence

25 Mar

We are in week 9 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1